“It has been an exciting year at University of Toronto Press Journals and throughout the organization, and we have much to celebrate as we reflect on 2022. I would like to express my gratitude to our journal editors and editorial boards for their tireless efforts and service to the scholarly community, to our authors and reviewers for continued dedication to research and scholarship, and to the UTP team for the amazing creativity and hard work they bring to every project. We wanted to share with the community just a few of the highlights of the year.
This year, UTP became a signatory to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Publishers Compact, which is designed to inspire action among publishers committing to sustainable practices and publishing content that supports the SDGs (Visit https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/sdg-publishers-compact/ for more details).
In October, we launched the Journal of City Climate Policy and Economy — a new periodical edited by David Miller, author of the bestselling UTP book Solved: How the World’s Great Cities are Fixing the Climate Crisis. The Journal and the affiliated podcast Cities 1.5⁰ serve as a platform for dynamic content that highlights ambitious, innovative climate action, inspiring active change for today’s most pressing climate challenges.
UTP is the first publisher to use the Subscribe to Open (S2O) model on a journal launch. S2O is a sustainable and equitable business model that offers a wide range of benefits to researchers, libraries, and the community at large. We are proud to adopt S2O as a model that has equity built into it, enabling open access without article processing charges to authors.
As we start to look ahead to 2023, we are very pleased to be welcoming new journals to our publishing program. At a critical moment in time, we are proud to begin to publish Ukraina Moderna starting in the new year. Ukraina Moderna aims to serve as a platform for discussion about Ukraine’s past and present, encourage critical thinking about its history, and expand the historiographic horizons of Ukrainian scholarship.
Also joining the UTP program is Cervantes: Bulletin of the Cervantes Society of America, which has a long history of high-quality scholarship dedicated to Cervantes’s life and works as well as book reviews of interest to Cervantes scholars.
I would like to express my gratitude to all our partners. Each of your unique contributions made 2022 a year of dynamic accomplishments. As we look forward to 2023 with anticipation, warmest holiday wishes to you and your loved ones!”
–Antonia Pop, Vice President
“This year, UTP launched the Journal of City Climate Policy and Economy! I was fortunate to be involved from the beginning of this process; it was incredibly exciting to see the first issue online and in print in October 2022. We live in a critical time for climate action and I truly believe that this journal will make significant contributions to researchers, policymakers, and climate leaders across the globe. It is heartening to see the passionate response of our editors, authors, and readers. On the horizon for 2023, we have the new Cities 1.5 podcast, affiliated with the journal and hosted by our Editor-in-Chief, David Miller.”
–Jessica Abraham, Editorial, Design and Production Coordinator, on launching the Journal of City Climate Policy and Eonomy
“The UTP Journals Blog had many stand-out blog posts this year, including a blog post from the Journal of Military, Veteran, and Family Health by authors Maj. Andrew W. Kirkpatrick and Jessica L. McKee titled ‘What would you do with your last phone call if you were catastrophically injured but still conscious?’ that provides interesting insight to the future of health care. This blog post is only one of many that explores the amazing research published this year.”
–Amy Dechka, Marketing Coordinator, on the UTP Journals Blog
“As usual, this year was full of unique opportunities in the digital world. One that stood out to me was our partnership with Trajectory Brands to build a website for University of Toronto’s Department of Family & Community Medicine (DCFM). With UTP Journals’ extensive experience building websites geared toward the scholarly community, we were uniquely equipped to assist the Department’s mission and bring to life its 2022–2027 ‘Newschool Thinking’ Strategic Plan. It was an incredible experience to collaborate with Trajectory to develop this exciting, bold, and accessible website.”
–Amber Dilabbio, Digital Business Analyst, on building the website https://www.primarymatters.ca/ for University of Toronto
“I attended the AASLD Liver Meeting in Washington, D.C., my first in-person conference since the pandemic began, and I had forgotten how lovely it is to meet our authors and editorial board members in person! In partnership with the Canadian Association for the Study of the Liver, we promoted the Canadian Liver Journal to a wider audience, celebrating the journal’s successful application to PubMed Central!”
–Alarica Fernandes, Editorial, Design and Production Coordinator, on taking the Canadian Liver Journal to the AASLD Liver Meeting
“I am delighted that the Canadian Liver Journal and the Journal of the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada (JAMMI) were both accepted for inclusion in PubMed Central. It is very rewarding to see these journals and the authors whose work has been published recognized for the scientific quality of the research and the contribution made to medical literature.”
–Katie Gray, Marketing Specialist, on the inclusion of the Canadian Liver Journal and JAMMI in PubMed Central
“I’m grateful to have had the chance to work on Canadian Public Policy since starting at UTP Journals. Receiving the 2022 SRC/CALJ Innovation Award was a particular highlight for the journal, and I am proud to have played a part in providing open, accessible research on COVID-19 and its impact on social and economic systems to the widest readership possible.”
–Simon Honeyman, Editorial, Design and Production Coordinator, on Canadian Public Policy and the 2022 SRC/CALJ Journal Innovation Award
“I was honoured to represent UTPJ at the American Library Association Annual Conference, reconnecting with colleagues and sharing news about the newly launched Journal of City Climate Policy and Economy and Subscribe to Open model. Representing UTP at this important conference reaffirms the significance of the work and contributions by UTP in the scholarly community.”
–Vesna Micic, Associate Director, Sales and Marketing
“The November 2022 special issue of the Canadian Modern Language Review explores the intersections of race and racism, migration, and colonialism with issues related to language teaching and learning at a critical moment in Canadian history. I enjoyed working on this issue, and it certainly stands out as a highlight from the year.”
–Claudia Rupnik, Editorial, Design and Production Coordinator, on The Canadian Modern Language Review 78.4
“It was a privilege to participate in the launch of the Journal of City Climate Policy and Economy at the C40 Cities World Mayors Summit in Buenos Aires in October. The passion and commitment demonstrated by the Summit speakers and attendees was inspiring. The journal was well received by attendees from around the globe, and it was rewarding to see such interest and to meet potential future contributors.”
–Sandra Shaw, Editorial and Production Manager, on launching the Journal of City Climate Policy and Economy and the Buenos Aires C40 Cities World Mayors Summit
“One of my most memorable experiences from 2022 was working on Modern Drama issue 65.3. The article ‘Ibsen Postcards/Postcard Ibsens: Domesticating Modernism’ by Penny Farfan features a fabulous collection of historical postcards. Encompassing photographic portraits, snapshots, sculptures, monuments, etchings, paintings, and caricatures, the historical interest of these postcards arises from the quantity of cards that circulated, how the cards were used, and what their uses suggest about Ibsen’s popular reputation, reception, significance, impact, and reach. Farfan’s dedication to this article and collection is phenomenal, and the beautiful end result shows that our work was worth the effort!”
–Michelle Welsh, Editorial, Design and Production Coordinator, on Modern Drama 65.3
“In my first nine months with UTP, I had the opportunity to represent UTP Journals at three conferences, including the Peer Review Congress, which is held once every four years. Peer review is the cornerstone of the scholarly and research community. During the Congress, we featured the Canadian Liver Journal, the Journal of the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada, and the Journal of Military, Veteran and Family Health as well as UTP’s Journal of Scholarly Publishing – a forum dedicated to the important work of the global scholarly community. I was proud to represent these amazing titles and engage with so many colleagues from around the world.”
–Lori Will, Business Development Manager, on the Peer Review Congress
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