Introducing Anthropologica

June 10, 2013

University of Toronto Press is pleased to announce the addition of Anthropologica, the journal of the Canadian Anthropology Society, to the UTP publishing program, joining a group of distinguished learned journals.

Anthropologica, the journal of the Canadian Anthropology Society/La société canadienne d’athropologie, supports and promotes the discipline of anthropology and reflects the research of Canadian anthropologists to Canadians. We are very pleased with our new partnership in publishing at the University of Toronto Press and look forward to bringing the best of Canadian and international anthropology to our readership.
Naomi McPherson, Editor-in-Chief, Anthropologica

Upcoming issues of Anthropologica include:
“Time and the Expert/Le temps et l’expert”  Guest Editors, Sandra Widmer, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science and Jean Mitchell, University of Prince Edward Island
“Queer Anthropology/L’anthropologie queer” Guest Editor, Michelle Walks, UBC Okanagan

Read the full press release here!

Order your subscription to Anthropologica here!

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