Introducing the Canadian Journal of History

February 24, 2014


The University of Toronto Press is pleased to announce the addition of Canadian Journal of History/Annales canadiennes d’histoire (JCH/ACH) to the UTP publishing program, joining a group of distinguished learned journals.

(JCH/ACH) is a peer-reviewed journal of general history publishing in both English and French. Geared to all professional historians, as well as to anyone interested in historical scholarship, it features articles and reviews by experts, and invites contributions from all geographical, temporal, and thematic subfields.

Recent Articles include:

Vínland and Wishful Thinking: Medieval and Modern Fantasies
Sverrir Jakobsson   
The Sensitivities of ‘Small, Backward Nations’: Austria-Hungary, Serbia, and the Regulation of the Danube 1870-71
Ian D. Armour
Black Nurses in the Great War: Fighting for and with the American Military in the Struggle for Civil Rights
Andrea Patterson
Imperial Networks, Imperial Defence, and Perceptions of American Influence on the British Empire in the Interwar Period: The Case of the 27th Earl of Crawford and Balcarres
Greg Kennedy  
Economics, Diplomacy, and War: Britain and Bulgaria, 1936-38
Glenn Leonard

Read the full press release here.

Order your subscription to Canadian Journal of History today.


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